California Dreaming: You never know when Serena Williams might crash your tennis match

California Dreaming: You never know when Serena Williams might crash your tennis match

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San Franciscans beware: you can never again be sure if the woman asking to play the winner of your afterwork tennis match isn’t, in fact, 23-time time grand slam champion Serena Williams.

Serena Williams plays tennis with surprised strangers in San Francisco public park

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On Sunday night, Williams spotted two men playing singles in a public park while she was out walking with fiancé Alexis Ohanian and her dog, Chip. With Ohanian capturing video on Williams’ Snapchat, the world No. 1 asked for the next game from the surprised pair. While the game play wasn’t captured on video, she reportedly won while playing in fuzzy boots.

[fusion_title size=”4″]SUPER CHIP[/fusion_title]

One sure-fire hint that it may be Williams asking for the next game, is when the interlocutor has an adorable Yorkshire terrier in tow.

2017-02-28T19:47:23+00:00 February 28th, 2017|

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