Football coach Woody Harrelson walks players through new concussion rules

Football coach Woody Harrelson walks players through new concussion rules

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Much has been made of the NFL’s new concussion rules that have since filtered down to the high school game. This past weekend, Woody Harrelson appeared in a Saturday Night Live sketch as a coach helping his team adjust to the new standards.

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— Coach Woody Harrelson, explaining how to tackle” description=”” animation_type=”slide” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=””][/fusion_tagline_box]

At the conclusion of the sketch, new football helmets designed by Volvo are issued to the team — leaving the players looking like human bobbleheads, but a whole lot safer…

Woody Harrelson appears as a high school football coach on SNL

2014-11-17T09:19:04+00:00 November 17th, 2014|

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