Flop Friday follies: Corey Brewer and the best floppers of the 2014/15 NBA season

Flop Friday follies: Corey Brewer and the best floppers of the 2014/15 NBA season

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The NBA adjudged Rockets guard Corey Brewer’s Game Two flop against the Clippers’ Lester Hudson to be worth $5,000. Like the vast majority of flops, Brewer’s is predicated on actual contact, but then embellishes the impact with comical theatrics to goad the ref into calling a foul.

Corey Brewer fined for flop versus Clippers

[fusion_title size=”4″]TOP TEN NBA FLOPS 2014/15[/fusion_title]

Check out the compilation above of the best flops from the 2014/15 season, and then let us know if you think Brewer’s effort should crack the top ten.

[fusion_title size=”4″]WORST NBA FLOPS OF ALL TIME[/fusion_title]

Football (aka soccer) has long struggled with players diving to draw penalties on opponents, but the problem only recently became epidemic in the NBA. In response, the league instituted a fine protocol starting at $5,000 for the second violation, $10K for a third, $15K for a fourth, and $30K for a fifth. Six or more offenses may lead to suspension.

2015-05-08T14:21:12+00:00 May 8th, 2015|

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