Shoes? Andrew Snope don’t need no stinkin’ shoes — he runs barefoot 137 miles in 24 hours

Shoes? Andrew Snope don’t need no stinkin’ shoes — he runs barefoot 137 miles in 24 hours

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Nike and Reebok’s worst nightmare may be a 28-year-old bartender from Savannah, Georgia. Andrew Snope, who has only been running for less than three years and never owned a pair of running shoes, set a new world record by covering 136.98 miles in 24 hours — barefoot.

Snope set the record this past Saturday running laps inside the Alaska Dome in Anchorage. He broke Peter Wayne Botha’s mark of 131.43 miles set last year in Auckland, New Zealand.

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— Andrew Snope, to the Alaska Dispatch News” description=”” animation_type=”slide” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=””][/fusion_tagline_box]

Snope’s amazing feet were none the worse for wear after his amazing feat. A non-stop day of running had failed to produce any of the blisters that are the bane of shoed ultramarathoners.

[fusion_title size=”4″]HERE COMES BAREFOOT ALEX[/fusion_title]

As incredible as Snope’s record is, it may not be long lived. Alex Ramsey, who goes by the moniker “Barefoot Alex“, is already wondering about the possibility of breaching the 140-mile mark in 24 hours. In addition to a possible assault on the nascent world record, the fun-loving, tie-dye-wearing Ramsey is planning a cross-continental run in 2015… barefoot, of course.

2014-08-14T08:28:23+00:00 August 14th, 2014|

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