Kim Kardashian officially becomes a soccer mom as North West preps for 2031 Women’s World Cup

Kim Kardashian officially becomes a soccer mom as North West preps for 2031 Women’s World Cup

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After the USWNT bested the world in the 2015 Women’s World Cup, tens of thousands of American girls were inspired to give soccer a try for the first time. The embrace of the game extended even to the daughter of the world’s most famous celebrity couple.

As proud papa Kanye West hovered and momma Kim Kardashian took photos, a fashionably-attired North tried her hand at goalie…

…then midfielder…

and, finally, forward.

[fusion_title size=”4″]2031 WOMEN’S WORLD CUP[/fusion_title]

If North West eventually makes the USWNT, she may find herself playing alongside Christie Rampone’s daughter, Rylie, and Kristine Lilly’s girl, Sydney, in the 2031 Women’s World Cup. Keeping Up with the Kardashians will be in its twenty-fourth season, and Kim will have likely graduated from being a soccer mom to being a soccer grandmother.

Meanwhile, back in the present day, the most famous Kardashian is content to post freaky half-and-half pictures which compare and contrast her appearance to half-sisters Kendall and Kylie Jenner.

2015-08-02T17:50:10+00:00 August 2nd, 2015|

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