Dalai Lama takes the Middle Way between Bruins and Canadiens

Dalai Lama takes the Middle Way between Bruins and Canadiens

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In advance of Saturday’s Boston/Ottawa game, the Dalai Lama donned a Bruins cap at the Garden in a shameless effort to curry favor with the mostly hometown audience.

It appears his holiness has no lasting loyalty when it comes to hockey clubs, as he was perfectly content to accept a Canadiens jersey at an earlier engagement.

[fusion_title size=”4″]CHOOSING THE MIDDLE WAY[/fusion_title]

The Buddhist doctrine of the Middle Way may help explain the Dalai Lama’s shifting allegiances. The tenet holds that the surest path is the one between two extremes. In the past, he famously has applied the teaching to propose a Tibetan solution wherein neither China, nor Tibetan nationalists get everything they want, but both sides benefit.

Next up for the Dalai Lama is a stop in New York City, so we’ll see if the Rangers too, can get in on the branding opportunity.

2014-11-03T08:35:02+00:00 November 3rd, 2014|

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