Rory McIlroy sparks interest in the hurlbat with 50-yard club toss

Rory McIlroy sparks interest in the hurlbat with 50-yard club toss

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Rory McIlroy is not known for his temper tantrums on the golf course, but he recently proved he can spazz out with the best of them. The curly-haired Irishman chucked one of his clubs into a water hazard during the second round of the WGC-Cadillac Championship in Miami.

John Daly, the unofficial king of club throwing and snazzy pants, took to twitter to taunt McIlroy.

McIlroy’s toss conjured images of a freckle-faced warrior of yore launching a hurlbat on the battlefield. The earliest known reference to the arcane weapon is in fourteenth century England. By the 1500s, the hurlbat (or hurlebatte) had even found its way into the dictionary.

[fusion_tagline_box backgroundcolor=”#fafafa” shadow=”yes” shadowopacity=”0.5″ border=”” bordercolor=”transparent” highlightposition=”top” link=”” linktarget=”” buttoncolor=”” button=”” title=”“Adides, short battes of a cubyte longe and an halfe, hauynge pikes of yron in theym, and were tyed to a lyne, that whanne they were throwen, he that did cast thẽ, mought plucke them agayn vnto him, hurlebattes.”
— 16th-century Thomas Elyot dictionary entry” description=”” animation_type=”slide” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=””][/fusion_tagline_box]

[fusion_title size=”4″]GOLD IN THEM THAR WATERS[/fusion_title]

With the noteriety McIlroy’s Nike VR Pro Blade 3-iron gained from the video, one can safely assume a ball diver will be hunting for additional treasure at the bottom of the man-made lake at the TPC Blue Monster.

2015-03-07T10:00:34+00:00 March 7th, 2015|

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