Jeremy Lin wants to unleash the stealth dunker in you

Jeremy Lin wants to unleash the stealth dunker in you

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Jeremy Lin, having fully recovered from his battle with PPB, put out a call for videos featuring hapless victims getting dunked upon. The Lakers guard produced a Vine clip with a sampling of scenarios to inspire copycat efforts.

From Lin’s Instagram post:

Day 3 of Fan Appreciation Week! Who can come up with the best #JLinDunkCam video?!? All submissions will be judged on creativity, execution and post-dunk celebration lol. You MUST use #JLinDunkCam so we can find the video and post by midnight pst today. PLEASE be safe! My video will give you guys a few ideas (no need to use a real mini-bball/hoop…all props work too) #JLinDunkCam #sorrymom #takenoprisoners

[fusion_title size=”4″]THE EARLY FAV IS AN OLD FAV[/fusion_title]

Lin didn’t exactly give prospective video makers a whole lot of time to make their submissions. The best effort posted so far was actually produced late last year.

2014-08-06T15:56:51+00:00 August 6th, 2014|

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