Broken-backed Neymar comforts teary-eyed baby and Brazil at large

Broken-backed Neymar comforts teary-eyed baby and Brazil at large

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Anna Bella, a chubby-cheeked Neymar fan not yet two years of age, was crushed to learn the Brazilian star would not be playing again in the 2014 World Cup after he suffered a fractured vertebra against Colombia. The video of Anna Bella’s reaction to the news quickly went viral, proving people can’t get enough of distressed babies.

Neymar, however, could not stay quiet sensing the child’s (and his countrymen’s) unease. Wearing his signature askew baseball cap and matching black t-shirt, Neymar addressed Brazil’s backers in an Evita-esque “Don’t Cry for Me Brazil” video.

We’ll have to wait four more years before there is the possibility of Neymar living out his dream to play in a World Cup final. The venue will be in Russia and super-fan Anna Bella will be more than three times her current age.

2014-07-06T14:31:36+00:00 July 6th, 2014|

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