Jason Sudeikis reprises Coach Lasso role and shares a pint with Tim Howard

Jason Sudeikis reprises Coach Lasso role and shares a pint with Tim Howard

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Last year, after securing a 3-year deal to broadcast English Premiere League games, NBC promoted their inaugural season with a video starring Jason Sudeikis. In the mockumentary, the famed SNL-alum plays an American football coach by the name of Ted Lasso who goes to England to coach football (soccer) for the Tottenham Hotspur.

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— Coach Lasso, during his stint with the Tottenham Hotspur” description=”” animation_type=”slide” animation_direction=”left” animation_speed=””][/fusion_tagline_box]

In preparation for NBC’s second year of EPL coverage, which begins on August 16th, Sudeikis has reprised his role as Coach Lasso. In the new video, Lasso — no longer with the Hotspurs — brings his clueless enthusiasm to coaching the St. Katherine’s Fighting Owls.

2014-08-10T08:52:08+00:00 August 10th, 2014|

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